Winter Night Refuge
Medway Emergency Winter Refuge
The winter night refuge is an emergency provision that opens any night the temperature is forecast to "feel like" zero degrees or below. It will run this winter from December 1st 2023 to the end of March 2024, in collaboration with Medway Council Housing who are supporting us with overnight security personnel.
We have run this service since 2017 - we were forced to "suspend" operations in early 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Prior to that we had provided approximately 3000 to rough sleepers.
Anyone who is rough sleeping is welcome to come to the Emmaus Church in Chatham and get a warm bed for the night.... alerts will be sent out via statutory services and voluntary groups to ensure no-one sleeps out in the coldest weather.
Everyone who attends receives their own bedding bag which contains a brand new sleeping bag, pillow and blanket, a warm welcome and offer of support. We complete referral forms with our guests which allows us to assess risk and also work toward finding them further accomodation.
We need volunteers for this project - especially overnight.
Please contact if you want to help.
Training will be given.
Thank You!
A HUGE thank you to all those who have signed up to volunteer this winter - we can't do this without you!
Thank you to the team from Lloyd's Bank who decorated the Ladies Room in Autumn 2023.